Terry Osti

snapshot92412803Terry Osti

Are you looking for a place to buy or sell…contact Terry for all your real estate needs!  If you have family pets, he’s got that covered too with, you guessed it, SparkySnacks!


West Coast Rottweiler Rescue

logo1aWest Coast Rottweiler Rescue

We are a small and dedicated group in the Lower Mainland area of British Columbia. In 2008, Bev and Jim Inglis gathered some friends together to help with a vision. That was to work with those dogs that no one else was helping with. We wanted to take on those who were old and or sick. Shelters will often not keep those dogs for long as a cold shelter is no place for an old dog. While we could not fix them all, we were able to start helping a few. We opened a bank account and started to fundraise.


Petra’s Pet Photography

petraspetphotogrPetra’s Pet Photography – Vancouver

To all pet owner’s out there, you know how hard it is to have your pooch sit still? Why not have Petra capture the best pictures! I can speak from experience as most of my pictures of Max are all blurs, well except when he is sleeping! If you want to get that wonderful picture of your pooch, check out Petra!



logoinStitchez – Embroidery and Design

For all your embroidery needs, check out institchez.com.  Need a leash? Need a tshirt? Need new decals on for car, InStitchez.com is one stop shopping with reasonable prices!
